The Most Romantic Gestures to Win your Partners Heart!

When trying to show the one you love special attention, the first romantic gesture would be cook him/her a good meal.

Ask what’s your favorite dinner choice? Maybe a nice filet mignon Steak, baked potato and vegetables and don’t forget the wine! Take the time out to be a cook for your sweetheart.

Sunrise/ sunset surprise - You could plan a special getaway or a romantic set up at a beautiful location to watch the sunrise or sunset. Even just sitting at the beach would be beautiful. Pack a picnic basket with fruit champagne and goodies with a cozy blanket. It’s about being together, come from a place of love and thoughtfulness. 

Second Gesture- Rub and caress their back and the back of the neck softly kiss, this will show attention, intimacy and give some relaxation. Your gentle touches will make them feel desired and loved. Imagine him sitting in the bed and you sitting behind him rubbing his beautiful back. Men ask to help wash her hair and rub her body down. This will let her know you adore her.

Third gesture — it’s the small things that count. Take a walk holding hands, share some ice cream. When she’s cold, try reaching in to zip her coat or putting a scarf around her to make her feel cared for. Ladies do you remember ironing his shirt, making sure he looks nice before leaving out to face the world. Sometimes we have to take it back old school .

It’s really about giving of yourself, when two people take the time to love and satisfy one another, they will both be happy. In a relationship, you can’t be selfish.

Focus on giving instead of receiving. Sharing your feelings and desires with each other will bring a closeness because you aren’t afraid to communicate. Talk to your mate and listen to them. Everyone loves to have a friend they can talk to. Show them they can trust you with whatever is in their heart, that you are secure enough to talk about the good, bad and the ugly. You want to be the lover and the best friend. 

Texting and Calling- This doesn’t need to be done all day but these small things show you are making time to call and care. Remember people make time for what they care about. Do the same things in the beginning stages you did to get them if you plan to keep them around.

It’s all about balance excessive calling and texting can be overwhelming but too little can lead to a disconnect. Find the rhythm that works for both partners.

Last Gesture- Kissing and saying I love you.

You are always making love physically, mentally and emotionally. Kiss deeply and softly , and say I love you. Those words need to be heard, shown through action of course but also heard.

Giving and receiving love is one of life’s most wonderful experiences. We all go through heartbreaks but you rebuild. Don’t live life being afraid to love, you will out on so much trying to protect your heart. The truth is unless you get the red flags in the beginning you don’t know what can happen.  Let go and trust, enjoy the flowers while you can smell them. 

L.O.V.E. Live out vibrant emotions!




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